My name is Emily Watts. I am a sophomore at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania studying Early Childhood Education and Special Education. In the future after my graduation I plan on applying for Teach for America and Graduate School. I know my learning will not be done at Edinboro which is why I want to expand my knowledge before I enter my first true classroom. Though when I do become an elementary teacher I want to teach 1st grade. Below I have added my I Believe video. In the video I describe how I discovered my passion for teaching.
My Classroom:
Below I have added a graphic representation of my classroom. As you can see the classroom is opening and welcoming from the moment you walk in. The desks are set away from the door for students to focus on my lessons and in small groups for easy collaboration among students (Classroom Setup). Also, the smart board is set on the wall for all the students to see (Classroom Setup). There is a center for quiet time for students to read or calm down. There is also a center for computer learning. There are posters of classroom rules and little remainders to bring the students attention but to me as the teacher near the door at the front of the classroom (Set Up Classroom). My desk is set to the side of the door for easy access during class time (Set Up Classroom).
The school I would be teaching first grade at would be West View Elementary in Pittsburgh, PA. The school sits in a suburb about fifteen minutes out of the city. My classroom is made up of 16 students, 9 boys and 7 girls. Includes 3 students with learning disabilities and 1 autistic child. The general learning composition of my classroom would include every subject because it is first grade. But at the time of the day for reading and math a learning support teacher will work with the children with learning disabilities inside the classroom and the autistic child with have the help of an aid.
Below I have added a graphic representation of my classroom. As you can see the classroom is opening and welcoming from the moment you walk in. The desks are set away from the door for students to focus on my lessons and in small groups for easy collaboration among students (Classroom Setup). Also, the smart board is set on the wall for all the students to see (Classroom Setup). There is a center for quiet time for students to read or calm down. There is also a center for computer learning. There are posters of classroom rules and little remainders to bring the students attention but to me as the teacher near the door at the front of the classroom (Set Up Classroom). My desk is set to the side of the door for easy access during class time (Set Up Classroom).
Technology is a huge aspect of my classroom. There is so much you can do with technology in the classroom. Here are five different ways I will incorporate technology in my classroom.
- One technology that I will use in my classroom to connect students and teachers inside the classroom is the use of the smart board. Students will be able to be more involved in my lessons and use the technology with me.
- One technology that I will use in my classroom to support publishing students work and my own work is blogger on google. I will create a classroom blog where I will update on our lessons and students can publish their own works and projects.
- One technology that I will use in my classroom to connect my students and myself outside of the classroom is Facebook. I will create a fan page my student's parents can like. I will update this everyday with the students assignments for the day. This way parents can kept track of their child's homework.
- One technology that I will use in my classroom to connect my classroom with experts around the world Skype, an online video chatting website. This way my students can learn from teachers around the world first hand and understand different cultures around the world.
- One technology that I will use in my classroom that allows collaboration with others to create and share knowledge is a combination of imovie, garageband, and youtube. I will help students create videos and podcasts that will we as a class share on different media sites such as youtube to collaborate with others and receive feedback.
Assistive Technology:

I would like you to meet Katie!
She is the autistic child in my classroom. Katie has problems with communicating with others and isn't very verbal. She lashing out when there is any change to her schedule but calms down easily when sitting the reading corner alone. She likes to focus on one thing at a time and take the time to get it right. (Different Types of Autism) Technology is key to Katie's learning and communication. Since Katie is mostly non verbal she using TapToTalk, a program used on an iPad, that gives Katie a voice when she doesn't want to speak herself. Katie also uses Tech4Everyone, a computer station that helps students with disabilities to use a computer independently.(Assistive Technology)
Annotated Bibliography:
"Assistive Technology." Autism Speaks. N.p., n.d. Web.
"How to Set Up Your Classroom for the First Day Of School." About.com Elementary Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2012.
"Teachers TryScience." Classroom Setup. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2012.
"What Are the Different Types of Autism and Developmental Disorders? AutismAid." The Powers That Beat. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2012.
Self Reflection:
What risks have you taken?
I feel that I have taken tremendous risks when it comes to technology in the classroom. I have my students always engaged in a lesson through technology or on a project with technology. This way the students are always challenged in their learning.
What did you gain?
I gained through this project and this class a new perceptive on teaching. There are many ways to teach and challenge your students other then a pencil and paper. Technology can expand critical thinking skills and enhance communication and social skills for your students.
How have you grown as a learner and a teacher?I have definitely grown as a learner and a teacher through this class. I have opened up my mind to different teaching stratagies including involving technology. I have learned how to better handle my classroom in challenging my students. I know after this class I still have much to learn but I am willing to learn anything to be able to be the best teacher I can be.
What did you gain?
I gained through this project and this class a new perceptive on teaching. There are many ways to teach and challenge your students other then a pencil and paper. Technology can expand critical thinking skills and enhance communication and social skills for your students.
How have you grown as a learner and a teacher?I have definitely grown as a learner and a teacher through this class. I have opened up my mind to different teaching stratagies including involving technology. I have learned how to better handle my classroom in challenging my students. I know after this class I still have much to learn but I am willing to learn anything to be able to be the best teacher I can be.
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